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Title | Date | Author(s) | Publisher | Lvl | Type | Eugenics 0-5 |
Elements of Biology | 1907 | Hunter, George William | American Book Company, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 0 |
First Course in Biology* | 1908 | Bailey, L. H.; Coleman, Walter M | Macmillan, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 0 |
Applied Biology | 1911 | Bigelow, Maurice A; Bigelow, Anna N | Macmillan, New York | HS | Unity of Life | 0 |
Essentials of Biology | 1911 | Hunter, George William | American Book Company, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 1 Domestication and selective breeding introduced at end of Zoology section. |
Elementary Biology: Plant, Animal, Human | 1912 | Peabody, James Edward; Hunt, Arthur Ellsworth | Macmillan, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 0 |
A Civic Biology | 1914 | Hunter, George William | American Book Company, New York | HS | Economic | 4 Strongly eugenic, refers to the "feeble-minded" as parasites, that "blood tells," that there are clearly good families and bad families, and regarding bad families, save for our "humanity" we would "kill them off to prevent them from spreading" (263). However, conclusion less doctrinaire. |
Practical Biology | 1916 | Smallwood, W. M; Reveley, Ida L; Bailey, Guy A | Allyn and Bacon, Boston | HS | Phylogenetic | 0 |
Civic Biology | 1918 | Hodge, Clifton F. and Dawson, Jean | Ginn, Boston | HS | Economic | 4 Strongly eugenic. Directly links evolution to eugenics and boldly promotes the critical need to prevent the "feeble-minded" ÛÒ 1 in 30 Americans, according to the authors ÛÒ from reproducing (344-45). |
Elementary Biology: An Introduction to the Science of Life | 1919 | Gruenberg, Benjamin C | Ginn, Boston | HS | Unity of Life | 1 Very mildly eugenic. |
Biology for High Schools | 1920 | Smallwood, W. M; Reveley, Ida L; Bailey, Guy A | Allyn and Bacon, Boston | HS | Phylogenetic | 1 Mildly suggests students "take care" in selecting mates so that the inherited tendency toward "industry and thrift" are passed on to children. |
Biology for Beginners | 1921 | Moon, Truman J | Holt, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 1 Implies racial progress. |
Foundations of Biology | 1922 | Woodruff, Lorande Loss (M) Yale Bio | Macmillan, New York | C | 1 Cautionary. '37 edition includes important anti-eugenic statement. See pp. 407-09. | |
Civic and Economic Biology | 1922 | Atwood, Wm. H | P. Blakiston's, Philadelphia | HS | Economic | 5 Harshly eugenic. Contains the most shocking defense, summed up by this quote: "One of the reasons why Greece, Rome, and the other great nations of antiquity perished is that they violated the principles of eugenics. If our nation is to live its people must be of the best, and their blood must not be contaminated by that of the unfit. What is your state doing to improve the next generation?" (337). |
New Essentials of Biology | 1923 | Hunter, George William | American Book Company, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 1 Identical to Hunter 1911. |
The Biology of Man and Other Organisms | 1923 | Linville, Henry R | Harcourt, New York | HS | Normative | 4 Strongly eugenic in its demands for "social control of inheritance" (178), though structure mitigates narrative force, climaxing with calls for correct posture, exercise and proper diet. |
Biology of Home and Community | 1923 | Trafton, Gilbert H | Macmillan, New York | HS | Economic | 0 No eugenics, despite focus on domestication and species improvement. |
Living Things, An Elementary Biology | 1924 | Clement, Arthur G | Iroquois Publishing Co, Syracuse, NY | HS | Economic | 4 Eugenics serves as closing statement, after plant and animal breeding. Talks of hard costs to society of bad heredity: Jukes and Kallikaks. |
Biology and Human Welfare | 1924 | Peabody, James Edward; Hunt, Arthur Ellsworth | Macmillan, New York | HS | Economic | 5 Harshly prescriptive. Heritage and habits of equal importance. |
New Biology | 1924 | Smallwood, W. M; Reveley, Ida L; Bailey, Guy A | Allyn and Bacon, Boston | HS | Phylogenetic | 2 Text is generally descriptive not prescriptive. Little or no content on habits, posture, mate selection, trade selection. |
Living Things, An Elementary Biology | 1925 | Clement, Arthur G | Iroquois Publishing Co, Syracuse, NY | HS | Economic | 4 Eugenics serves as closing statement, after plant and animal breeding. Talks of hard costs to society of bad heredity: Jukes and Kallikaks. |
Biology and Human Life | 1925 | Gruenberg, Benjamin C | Ginn, Boston | HS | Economic | 4 Suggests intelligent control of reproduction via enlightened institutionalization is the only path to more advanced civilization. |
Life and Evolution | 1926 | Holmes, Samual Jackson (M) University of California | Harcourt, New York | C | 5 - Propogandistic. See pp 411-427. Book's final and climatic chapter. Note particularly citations on 427. | |
New Civic Biology | 1926 | Hunter, George William | American Book Company, New York | HS | Economic | 5 Harshly eugenic and deterministic. "Our knowledge of heredity" underscored promotion of natural personal limits - with students suited for the professions, commercial life or the trades relative to their inborn traits (402). |
An Introduction to Biology | 1926 | Kinsey, Alfred C | Lippincott, Chicago | HS | Unity of Life | 2 Asks students in one exercise to find stories on Jukes, Kallikaks, Darwin and Edwards families. Does not index eugenics, but has a deterministic thrust. "There are really very few of us who have the necessary heredities to make good Presidents of the United States" (174). |
Biology for Beginners | 1926 | Moon, Truman J | Holt, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 1 Implies racial progress, but does not cover eugenic language. |
Modern Biology: Its Human Aspects | 1926 | Waggoner, Harry Dwight | D. C. Heath, Boston | HS | Phylogenetic / Unity of Life hybrid | 4 Harsh, though typical for the decade ... comparable to Atwood (1927). Quote: "A high class human family can retain its excellence only so long as the marriages of its members are with individuals of the same type. Marriages with lower types can result only in a deterioration in the sum total of desirable family qualities" (347). |
Biology | 1927 | Atwood, Wm. H | P. Blakiston's, Philadelphia | HS | Economic | 4 Less harsh than Atwood 1922. However, eugenics presented as a climax to the text and a key focus of biology. |
The Laws of Living Things | 1927 | Menge, Edward J. | The Bruce Publishing Company, Milwaukee | HS | Phylogenetic w/ some hyrid elements | 0 Eugenics not indexed, and despite devoting a chapter to "Civic Biology," Menge does not touch on the topic at all.* |
Elements of Modern Biology | 1929 | Plunkett, Charles Robert | Henry Holt and Company, New York | C | 0 No mention | |
New General Biology | 1929 | Smallwood, W. M; Reveley, Ida L; Bailey, Guy A | Allyn and Bacon, Boston | HS | Phylogenetic | 2 Nearly identical to Smallwood 1924. |
Advanced Biology | 1929 | Wheat, Frank M.; Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth T | American Book Company, New York | HS | Unity of Life | 4 Significant matter-of-fact 15-page mid-text section, sandwiched between chapters on "Plant and Animal Breeding" and "Progressive Development" (aka evolution). However, surprisingly non-deterministic. Authors believe environmental improvements, such as the eight-hour day, better tenement and housing conditions, public playgrounds for city children, compulsory education, laborers' compensation laws, widows' pensions, child labor laws and vocational guidance and training" could all lead to "race improvement" (362-64).* |
College Biology | 1930 | Barrows, Henry R. d. 1935 (M) New York University | Richard R. Smith, New York | C | 4 Propogandistic. Chapter XVIII - Applied Genetics - ends with subsection on Eugenics. Somewhat edited in 1936. | |
Problems in Biology | 1931 | Hunter, George William | American Book Company, New York | HS | Economic | 4 Retains all the harsh language of Hunter 1926, but argument no longer as clearly presented. |
Essentials of Biology | 1931 | Meier, W. H. D; Meier, Lois | Ginn, Boston | HS | Phylogenetic | 2 Though it closes with eugenics, the text contains no supporting argument. |
Fundamentals of Biology | 1932 | Haupt, Arthur W (M) UCLA | C | 4 Propogandistic. | ||
General Biology | 1933 | White, E. Grace (F) Wilson College Bio | The C. V. Mosby Company, St. Louis | C | 5 Propogandistic. See pp 270-283 | |
An Introduction to Biology | 1933 | Cole, Elbert C. | John Wiley & Sons, New York | C | 4 Deterministic. Jukes, Kallikaks and Edwards all offered without disclaimer.Dismissive of improvements to environment, as "there is certainly a limit ot such improvement, for inverior stock is scarecely qualified to maintain an improved environment." Laments, "we are somewhat restricted in what can be done, for society will not permit the destruction of the weak and unfit" (478). | |
Dynamic Biology | 1933 | Baker, Arthur O; Mills, Lewis H | Rand McNally, New York | HS | Normative (weakly) | 3 Standard 1930s presentation comparing Juke and Kallikak families with Edwards family. Warns of close intermarriages and immigrants of "defective stock" (655). |
New Introduction to Biology | 1933 | Kinsey, Alfred C | Lippincott, Chicago | HS | Unity of Life | 2 Does not index eugenics. Retains Juke etc. exercise and deterministic tone of Kinsey 1926. |
The Living World | 1933 | Mank, Helen Gardner | Benj. H. Sanborn & Co, Chicago | HS | Unity of Life / Health | 0 |
Biology for Beginners | 1933 | Moon, Truman J; Mann, Paul B | Holt, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 3 Introduces genetics and eugenics, including H. H. Goddard's Kallikak study. |
Man and the Nature of His Biological World | 1934 | Jean, Frank Covert (M); Harrah, Ezra Clarence (M); Herman, Fred Louis (M); Colorado State College of Education and Powers, Samual Ralph (M) Columbia | Ginn, Boston | C | 5. Entire narrative leads to the eugenic climax. Influenced by Burlingame (1922). Closes with "Hereditary differences should always have weight in deciding one's vocation" (426). Authors would update text in '44 and '52. Very conscious of latest stats and confirming opinion, including reference to Villee '50 in '52 Jean. | |
Biology for Today | 1934 | Curtis, Francis D; Caldwell, Otis W; Sherman, Nina Henry | Ginn, Boston | HS | Unity of Life | 2 Strong pitch for eugenic awareness closes text, but avoids harsher prescriptions of many earlier and most competitors. |
New Biology | 1934 | Smallwood, W. M; Reveley, Ida L; Bailey, Guy A | Allyn and Bacon, Boston | HS | Phylogenetic | 3 Introduces Juke and Kallikak studies. Along with Edwards, Darwin and Bach. |
An Introduction to Biology | 1935 | Rice, Edward Loranus (M) Ohio Wesleyan University Bio Debated Bryan in '25, advised Darrow at Scopes | Ginn, Boston | C | Cautionary. 1. "Progress must be gradual and conservative" (564) | |
Biology | 1935 | Fitzpatrick, Frederick L; Horton, Ralph E | Houghton Mifflin, Boston | HS | Economic | 4 Proudly eugenic. Closes on the topic. However, remains strictly economic, not normative, throughout. |
General Biology | 1936 | Mavor, James Watt (M) Union College | Macmillan, New York | C | 2 Somewhat cautionary. See pp 599-601 | |
Elements of General Biology | 1936 | Barrows, Henry R. d. 1935 (M) New York University | Farrar & Rinehart, New York | C | 3 Supportive. 317-18. But claims of "an encouraging amount of success" and the likelihood to "enact and support some such laws and regulations" (262-63) edited from original (1930). | |
Our World of Living Things | 1936 | Heiss, Elwood D; Osborn, Ellsworth S; Manzer, J. Gordon | Webster Publishing Company, St. Louis, MO | HS | Unity of Life / Health | 4 Unapologetically progressionist, calmly eugenic: "All available data indicate that intelligence is determined by the genes which a person inherits" (173). |
Everyday Problems in Biology | 1936 | Pieper, Charles J; Beauchamp, Wilber L; Frank, Orlin D | Scott, Foresman and Company, Chicago | HS | Unity of Life / Economic | 3 Advocates limits on immigration and reproduction of feeble-minded, balanced by environment and education defense. |
New Biology | 1937 | Smallwood, W. M; Reveley, Ida L; Bailey, Guy A | Allyn and Bacon, Boston | HS | Phylogenetic | 3 Introduces Juke and Kallikak studies. Along with Edwards, Darwin and Bach. |
New Introduction to Biology | 1938 | Kinsey, Alfred C | Lippincott, Chicago | HS | Unity of Life | 2 Identical to Kinsey 1926, 1933. |
Adventure with Living Things | 1938 | Kroeber, Elsbeth; Wolff, Walter H | D. C. Heath, Boston | HS | Phylogenetic / Unity of Life hybrid | 1 Quite similar to Smith 1938. Indexes and gives lengthy treatment to the topic, only to rebut and disclaim. |
Biology: a Revision of Biology for Beginners | 1938 | Moon, Truman J; Mann, Paul B | Holt, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 3 All but identical to Moon 1933. |
Exploring Biology | 1938 | Smith, Ella Thea | Harcourt, New York | HS | Unity of Life | 2 Eugenics described at length. Pitched as perhaps unarguable for the 'feeble-minded.' But highly disclaimed. |
A Biology of Familiar Things | 1939 | Bush, George L; Dickie, Allan; Rukle, Ronald C | American Book Company, New York | HS | Normative | 3 Moderately eugenic, sums the social cost of feebleminded at $100,000,000. Mostly suggestive regarding mate selection. |
Human Biology | 1940 | Baitsell, George Alfred (M) 1885-1971 Yale Bio | McGraw-Hill, New York | C | 3 Promotional. (Quotes Holmes: "three generations ..." 426) | |
Man and the Living World | 1940 | Stanford, E. E (M) College of the Pacific, Stocton Junior College | Macmillan, New York | C | 4 Propogandistic. See all of Chapt. XXX - "Genetics and Human Heredity." See pp. 698-730. | |
Biology | 1940 | Parshley, Howard M (M) Smith College Bio | John Wiley & Sons, New York | C | 2 Cautionary. "Ideal rather than practical possibility." Cites SJ Holmes and Huntington's Tomorrow's Children | |
Living Things and You | 1940 | Downing, Elliot R; McAtee, Veva M | Lyons and Carnahan, Chicago | HS | Normative | 3 Unapologetic in its presentation, though suggests that legislative solutions are not the answer, that "individuals who are taught the laws of sex and of inheritance will, it is hoped, act with discretion" (505). |
Science of Living Things | 1941 | Clinton, Weymouth G | Holt, New York | HS | Unity of Life | 2 Closes with eugenics (Kallikak and Edwards families compared), but topic burried, tacked on after lawn care, flower gardens and grafting. |
Biology: a Revision of Biology for Beginners | 1941 | Moon, Truman J; Mann, Paul B | Holt, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 3 All but identical to Moon 1933. |
Biology and Human Affairs | 1941 | Ritchie, John W | World Book Company, Yonkers-On-Hudson | HS | Normative | 4 Disclaims "negative eugenics," but strongly promotes "positive eugenics" (699). Normative, and by definition, deterministic. |
Man and the Biological World | 1942 | Rogers, J. Speed; Hubbell, Theodore H. (M); Byers, Francis C. University of Florida | McGraw-Hill, New York | C | 4 Propogandistic and highly deterministic. Very concerned with rates of reproduction by class (chart p. 282). Text focused on evolution, race and "the individual's capacity for mental, physical, and moral development" (283). | |
General Biology for College | 1942 | Moment, Gairdner B. (M) Goucher College Bio (PDF) | D. Appleton-Century, New York | C | 0 Anti-eugenic. Great "Gould-like" quote: "In one sense, heredity is predominant. We develop into humans, not starfish or lemurs, because of our heredity. In another, equally valid, sense, environment is predominant. Every living thing can exist only in a suitable environment and is continually reacting to it. Both together make us what we are" (413). | |
Biology The Science of Life | 1943 | MacDougall, Mary Stuart (F) Agnes Scott College; Hegner, Robert (M) Johns Hopkins | McGraw-Hill, New York | C | 1 Discusses inheritance with charts (see note), and mentions eugenics in passing (846), but focuses on disease prevention and environmental improvements. | |
Dynamic Biology Today | 1943 | Baker, Arthur O; Mills, Lewis H | Rand McNally, New York | HS | Normative | 3 Quite similar to Baker 1933, though somewhat demoted; eugenics no longer on par with genetics, ecology, pathology, etc. (compare p. 56, 1933 with p. 46, 1943). |
Everyday Biology | 1943 | Curtis, Francis D; Caldwell, Otis W; Sherman, Nina Henry | Ginn, Boston | HS | Unity of Life | 2 Identical to Curtis 1934. |
Exploring Biology | 1943 | Smith, Ella Thea | Harcourt, New York | HS | Unity of Life | 1 Eugenics described but immediately disclaimed: "Let us see what is wrong with the program that aims to improve mankind by 'breeding from the best families'" (513). |
Man and His Biological World | 1944 | Jean, Frank Covert (M); Harrah, Ezra Clarence (M); Herman, Fred Louis (M); Colorado State College and Powers, Samual Ralph (M) Columbia | Ginn, Boston | C | 5 Repeats and revises '34 text, adds additional supporting references. Entire narrative leads to the eugenic climax. Closes with "Hereditary differences should always have weight in deciding one's vocation" (547). | |
Biology and Man | 1944 | Gruenberg, Benjamin C; Bingham, N. Eldred | Ginn, Boston | HS | Unity of Life | 0 Gruenberg is first author to drop eugenics completely after once advancing the idea. |
Biology for Better Living | 1946 | Bayles, Ernest E; Burnett, R. Will | Silver Burdett Company, New York | HS | Normative | 1 Mostly anti-eugenic. Takes a stand against Juke/Kallikak "bad heredity" story. Further reading references in conflict. |
Biology: a Revision of Biology for Beginners | 1946 | Moon, Truman J; Mann, Paul B | Holt, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 3 All but identical to Moon 1933. |
Biology for You | 1946 | Vance, B. B; Miller, D. F | Lippincott, Chicago | HS | Normative | 1 Text mentions eugenics, but disclaims effectiveness. |
Modern Biology | 1947 | Moon, Truman J; Mann, Paul B; Otto, James H | Holt, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 4 Expands discussion of eugenics as "genetics applied to human inheritance" (606), and reinforces importance by using the topic to eugenics heredity and breeding to evolution. Kallikak study remains. |
Biology and Human Affairs | 1948 | Ritchie, John W | World Book Company, Yonkers-On-Hudson | HS | Normative | 4 Identical to Ritchie 1941 (598-99). |
Elements of Biology | 1948 | Smallwood, W. M; Reveley, Ida L; Bailey, Guy A; Dodge, Ruth A | Allyn and Bacon, Boston | HS | Phylogenetic | 3 Introduces Juke and Kallikak studies. Along with Edwards, Darwin and Bach. Eugenics sandwiched between "maturity" and "decline" and "the end," linking individual development with species history. |
Biology and its Relation to Mankind | 1949 | Winchester, A. M (M) John B. Stetson University | D. Van Norstrand Company, New York | C | 4 Harshly (and casually) eugenic. | |
Life Science | 1949 | de Laubenfels, M. W (M) 1894-1960 University of Hawaii (later Orgegon State College) | Prentice-Hall | C | 4 Deterministic and racist. Devotes one of 28 chapters (25) to the topic, titled - Eugenics: The Special Problem of Breeding. "The destiny of a person, animal, or plant exists inside the zygote, chiefly in the chromosomes" (329). Egypt's rise can be traced to "consanguineous marriage by preference" (336). Compares differential births to cancer (338). | |
The World of Life | 1949 | Pauli, Wolfgang F (M) Bradford Junior College | Houghton Mifflin, Boston | C | 5 Remarkably eugenic. Attempts to introduce topic under cover of "reform" (and fails). Topic serves as climax for the narrative. "it has been argued that any program of negative eugenics, by segregation and sterilization, would be futile, and hence that we had better do nothing about the mater at all. This like the lazy man's argument that since he can never eradicate the last weed out of his garden - and even if he did, new ones would appear anyway - he might as well do no weeding at all!" (580). | |
College Zoology | 1949 | Hunter, George W. III, Hunter, F. R. | W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia | C | 3 Strong, but significantly soft-pedaled relative to George W. Hunter's high school texts. | |
Exploring Biology | 1949 | Smith, Ella Thea | Harcourt, New York | HS | Unity of Life | 1 Eugenics defined by just one paragraph, though unlike previous editions, not disclaimed. |
General Biology for College | 1950 | Moment, Gairdner B. (M) Goucher College Bio (PDF) | D. Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York | C | 2 A hard to judge work. Gairdner in this significant update to his almost anti-eugenic 1942 text of the same title introduces key principles of the modern synthesis. The author's ecological bent prepared him for the transition to populational thinking. However, in an apparent pitch for relevancy, Gairdner placed increased stress "on the human import of biological facts and principles" (vi), which forced a long discussion of human inheritance and heredity, and brought the author's opinions on genetic determinism relative to topics such as I.Q. to the fore (see 559). Eugenics discounted and supported simultaneously (560). | |
Biology | 1950 | Villee, Claude A. (M) Bio | W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia | C | 4 Though not the text's narrative focus, eugenics serves as the climax to a unit on genetics and precedes the text's extensive section on evolution. Author references R. R. Gates, S. J. Holmes, H. J. Muller among others. Extremely popular textbook revised through 8 editions. Eugenics strongly promoted through 4th edition (at least), 1962. (Quotes Holmes: "three generations ..." 461). Author pridefully cites California's "success" with a program of eugenic sterilization (and would continue to do so through '62). | |
Adventures with Animals and Plants | 1950 | Kroeber, Elsbeth; Wolff, Walter H | D. C. Heath, Boston | HS | Unity of Life | 1 As in 1938, eugenics introduced and rebutted. |
Modern Biology | 1951 | Moon, Truman J; Mann, Paul B; Otto, James H | Holt, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 4 Text identical to Moon 1947, Kallikak study intact. |
Man and His Biological World | 1952 | Jean, Frank Covert (M); Harrah, Ezra Clarence (M); Herman, Fred Louis (M); Colorado State College and Powers, Samual Ralph (M) Columbia | Ginn, Boston | C | 5 Entire narrative leads to the eugenic climax. Minor text and reference edits and additions relative to Jean '44. | |
Elements of Biology | 1952 | Smallwood, W. M; Reveley, Ida L; Bailey, Guy A; Dodge, Ruth A (lead author) | Allyn and Bacon, Boston | HS | Phylogenetic | 3 Jukes, Kallikaks, Edwards, Darwins and Bachs all present. In 1952! |
Basic Biology for High Schools | 1953 | Fenton, Carroll Lane; Kamby, Paul E | Macmillan, New York | HS | Unity of Life | 0 |
Exploring Biology | 1954 | Smith, Ella Thea | Harcourt, New York | HS | Unity of Life | 2 Eugenics defined. Further readings suggested. "Value" pitched, but possibility of near-term application dismissed. Several sections end with statements claiming understanding "may enable man to take a hand in directing "the future course of evolution" (482). |
Biology in Daily Life | 1955 | Curtis, Francis D; Urban, John | Ginn, Boston | HS | Unity of Life | 3 Though content similar to Curtis 1943, and contains a notable pitch for racial equality (503), class differences strongly implied (498-505). |
Biology in Our Lives | 1955 | Hunter, George W; Hunter, F. R | American Book Company, New York | HS | Normative | 4 Highly deterministic. Torn on the topic of eugenics (448-450). On one hand eugenics "is entirely contrary to the social and moral codes of democracy." On the other hand, places the cost to society of the "various classes of defective people" at $3,000,000,000. |
Biology | 1956 | Brown, Relis B. (M) Lawrence College | D. C. Heath, Boston | C | 1 Quite cautionary. Eugenics indexed and defined, its aims "laudable," but dismissed as impractical, with improvement to the environment suggested as the quickest path to human improvement. "Who is to say whether the race would be better or worse off with more people having musical talent, artistic ability, or mechanical aptitude?" (239) | |
Modern Biology | 1956 | Moon, Truman J; Mann, Paul B; Otto, James H | Holt, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 4 Text retains strong presentation of eugenics, though finally drops Kallikak study. |
Biology and its Relation to Mankind | 1957 | Winchester, A. M (M) Colorado State College | D. Van Norstrand Company, New York | C | 1 Though deterministic thrust remains, the word eugenics, a central feature in '49, eliminated in '57. Notable retreat from visual spectacle (though author would return somewhat to visual spectacle in '64. | |
Biology | 1957 | Villee, Claude A. (M) Bio | W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia | C | 4 Author cites Frederick Osborn's Preface to Eugenics, increases word count in eugenics section by 25%. Remarkably anachronistic relative to peers. Comparable only to the high school textbook Modern Biology in its tone-deafness. | |
Life | 1957 | Simpson, George Gaylord; Pittendrigh, Colin S.; Tiffany, Lewis H | Harcourt, New York | C | 1 First "modern" text. Influenced BSCS texts. Eugenics banished, though authors state, "Under present conditions man's future biological evolution is more likely to be degenerative than progressive. (798) | |
Biology | 1957 | Krober, Elsbeth; Wolff, Walter H; Weaver, Richard L | D. C. Heath, Boston | HS | Unity of Life | 1 Mere mention of genes and environment. |
Biology : The Living World | 1958 | Curtis, Francis D; Urban, John | Ginn, Boston | HS | Unity of Life | 3 Relevant text (590-596) nearly identical to Curtis 1955 (1949, 1953). |
Biology for You | 1958 | Vance, B. B; Miller, D. F | Lippincott, Chicago | HS | Normative | 0 Eugenics indexed, but not actually included in text. |
New Dynamic Biology | 1959 | Baker, Arthur O; Mills, Lewis H; Tanczos Jr., Julius | Rand McNally, New York | HS | Normative | 2 Quite similar to Baker 1933 and 1943. Drops warnings about immigrants, shifts to global concerns - population explosion. However, anti-racist and pro-nurture/environment. |
Exploring Biology | 1959 | Smith, Ella Thea | Harcourt, New York | HS | Unity of Life | 0 Eugenics gone from text along with all claims to value of human control of evolution. |
Modern Biology | 1960 | Moon, Truman J; Otto, James H; Towle, Albert | Holt, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 4 Text retains 1956 presentation of eugenics. |
Biology | 1962 | Villee, Claude A. (M) Bio | W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia | C | 4 Continues to cite Frederick Osborn and S. J. Holmes. Also cites Buck v. Bell, but removes "imbeciles" quote, still present in '57. Updated to include, "the recent discovery of safe and effective oral contraceptives may be applied to this problem ..." (507). | |
Your Biology | 1962 | Smith, Ella Thea; Lisonbee, Lorenzo | Harcourt, New York | HS | Normative | 0 |
BSCS "Green Version" aka Biological Science: An Ecological Approach | 1963 | Bates, Marston; Kolb, Haven C (Supervisors) | Rand McNally, New York | HS | Unity of Life | 0 Text is non-progressionist. Almost hostile to humans. |
BSCS "Blue Version" aka Biological Science: Molecules to Man | 1963 | Deyrup, Ingrith; Welch, Claude (Supervisors) | Houghton Mifflin, Boston | HS | Unity of Life | 1 No mention of eugenics, and text not specifically deterministic. However, discussion of "population genetics" mixed with mutation, radiation and Muller studies. Weak tea, relatively, but suggests it is important for biologists to measure changes in gene frequencies in populations over time. |
Modern Biology | 1963 | Moon, Truman J; Otto, James H; Towle, Albert | Holt, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 4 Text retains 1956 presentation of eugenics. Last popular US textbook to feature topic. |
BSCS "Yellow Version" aka Biological Science: An Inquiry Into Life | 1963 | Moore, John A (Supervisor); Glass, Bentley (Co-supervisor, though not credited as such) | Harcourt, New York | HS | Normative | 3 Eugenics, far out of fashion, not mentioned but present like a spirit in the text. Glass, supervisor and director, was a strong reform eugenicist, and felt strongly that the human species would need to continue to evolve - progressively - by setting cultural conditions favorable to the task. Influenced by Frederick Osborn and Hermann Muller. |
Biology and its Relation to Mankind | 1964 | Winchester, A. M (M) Colorado State College | D. Van Norstrand Company, New York | C | 1 Eugenics, a central feature in '49, eliminated by 2nd edition ('57). '64 introduced "scare picture" of a Down's teenager (labeled a "mongoloid)" with a frightening skin condition (551). | |
Biology | 1965 | Kroeber, Elsbeth; Wolff, Walter H; Weaver, Richard L | D. C. Heath, Boston | HS | Unity of Life | 1 Mere mention of genes and environment. |
Modern Biology | 1965 | Otto, James H; Towle, Albert | Holt, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 2 The word eugenics finally disappears from main text, but much of the content remains under the label "population biology." |
Exploring Biology | 1966 | Smith, Ella Thea; Lawrence, Thomas Gordon | Harcourt, New York | HS | Unity of Life | 0 No eugenics. Though warns of threat of "overpopulation by man" (692). |
Biology | 1967 | Villee, Claude A. (M) Bio | W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia | C | 4 Continues to cite Frederick Osborn and Buck v. Bell, but drops mention of S. J. Holmes. Scheinfeld still serves as cover. Villee remains steadfast in his opinion that "one of the largest eugenic problems is that of the mental defectives," and that "the average intelligence of the population is decreasing from generation to generation" (570). | |
BSCS "Yellow Version" aka Biological Science: An Inquiry Into Life | 1968 | Moore, John A (Supervisor) | Harcourt, New York | HS | Normative | 2 Cultural evolution, and the conditions necessary to ensure continued progress, present, but unlike 1963, not climax of text. Glass influence lightened. Implied racial proof of evolution surprisingly strong. |
Modern Biology | 1969 | Otto, James H; Towle, Albert | Holt, New York | HS | Phylogenetic | 2 Identical to Otto 1965. Eugenics not in text, yet remains in glossary. |
Biology | 1972 | Villee, Claude A. (M) Bio | W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia | C | 3 Villee finally(!) cleanses his text of any explicit reference to eugenics. However, in its place, and to close the chapter titled "Inheritance in Man: Population Genetics," the author substitutes two sub-sections - "Factors Changing Gene Frequencies: Differential Reproduction" and "Evolution: The Failure to Maintain Genetic Equilibrium" (718). Villee's citing of E. A. Hooton, C. S. Coon (786) and Franz Weidenreich (789) betray continued adherence to concepts of "racial development." Text could easily be classed as a "4," if one is willing to read, and not even too carefully, between the lines. | |
Biology: A Full Spectrum | 1973 | Moment, Gairdner B. (M) Goucher College Moment, Gairdner B. (M) Goucher College Bio (PDF); Habermann, Helen M (F) Goucher College | The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore | C | 2 A surprisingly late date to find eugenics indexed and the topic of genetic screening discussed under the label. Authors torn on the topic; speak of both negative and positive eugenics; consider modern "humane" negative eugenic measures for eliminating "horrible" conditions coded by dominant genes non-problematic (vs. Spartan exposure or Nazi gas chambers, p. 180). But also suggest that "afflictions" caused by recessive genes may serve as "gadflies to achievements of great benefit to the human race," noting the cases of Homer, Edison, Steinmentz and Byron (181). |
*Data not graphed.