Classroom Biology: Before and After the Bomb

May 26, 2009 Biology textbook authors in the first decades of the twentieth century, exploiting cultural anxieties fanned by Madison Grant, Henry Fairfield Osborn, Paul Popenoe and other eugenic theorists, helped undercut democracy and shore up the status quo by “confirming” suspicions that the “strongest” weren’t breeding, the “weakest” weren’t dying and that workers who…

Errata: “Ella Thea Smith and the Lost History of American High School Biology Textbooks”

ERRATA Ladouceur, Ronald P. 2008. “Ella Thea Smith and the Lost History of American High School Biology Textbooks.” Journal of the History of Biology 41:435-471. The errors listed below are entirely the responsibility of the author, not the JOH, its proofreaders, typesetters or printers. Page 435, keywords. Civic Biology, Exploring Biology, Modern Biology, and Scopes…